GTA Wealth News

TFSA Holders Subject to Tax Audit Banned From Withdrawals

Tax free savings account (TFSA) holders who are currently being audited by the Canada Revenue Agency are being banned from making withdrawals as dealers are trying to limit their exposure and avoid being responsible for the tax bill.

Critical Illness Insurance

While the emotional and life ramifications of being diagnosed with a critical illness can be devastating, so too can the financial consequences. Those affected are suddenly faced with a loss in earnings, which usually compound with costly outlays ranging from medical bills, treatment plans, transportation costs when seeing specialists and potential housing accommodations, among others. Critical illness insurance is a powerful service that can reduce the financial strain faced by those diagnosed with serious illnesses.

Tax Issues on Divorce

When a marriage or common law relationship breaks down, there are several issues to be considered in the process, some of which include financial and tax issues. The following article will examine some key Canadian tax rules that couples should take into consideration during a divorce or separation.

Brigitte’s Financial Review - A GTA Wealth Management Inc. case study

Brigitte was a referral from a current client. She was handling her investments at her local bank branch. She felt overwhelmed with the investments that she had and was unsure about the type of investments that she should have. She realized that she needed some help.


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